Bonjour! It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Enzo and I’m a French Bulldog or Frenchie for short—although my large bat ears, distinctive wrinkles and fine muscle tone may have already tipped you off. I was born in the U.S., but I consider myself a worldly pup given that I’ve been to four countries and 18 states. I live in Menlo Park with Sherrie, who also happens to be my bien-aimée sidekick and traveling companion. Sherrie used to make frequent work trips, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her missing me, so I happily volunteered to go along. We’ve shared many adventures ranging from trade shows in Vienna to CES in Las Vegas. Given my vast experiences, you may be surprised to learn that my favorite place is quite close to home. It’s the beach. The beach. The wonderful beach. You can see me fully in my element here. I love to play in the sand and run into the ocean but I’m at my happiest when I’ve found the perfect stick to carry around. In fact, my most beloved toy is the Chuckit! stick. You heard right. Forget chasing balls. It’s all about the stick. And although I will never share (and I will even sometimes steal) a stick, Sherrie takes pride in my otherwise generous nature. Whenever we have a visitor, I run right to my toy bin to select a toy to present to our guest. So, in that regard, you can consider me the consummate host.
Diary of a Dog: Enzo
Photos by Andrea Ou - Paws and Play Studio