Diary of a Dog: Momo

Photos by Robb Most

Isn’t that fresh Bay air just delightful? I can never get enough sniffs of it, which is why I’m so happy that I found my home on the Peninsula. I actually started out as a stray in Fresno but a shelter there turned me over to Humane Society Silicon Valley, and that’s how I came into Susan’s life as a foster pup. At first, I was nervous and fearful, but once I moved in with Susan and Rosie (a parrot!) in Menlo Park, my confidence really skyrocketed. I began to reveal my happy and energetic true self, and Susan knew I needed to permanently join the family. I love to take walks and my favorite outing is Westpoint Harbor in Redwood City. Susan puts me on a 75-foot leash so I have plenty of freedom to roam—and I’m learning to always come back when she calls me. I like to dig and there are lots of rocks and holes to explore. I also have a nifty trick I’ll share with you. When I find an enticing smell, I drop and roll on it so I can carry it away with me. (Try it sometime!) Susan thinks I’m a Terrier mix, but you can always recognize me by the distinguishing stripe on my nose. I don’t think it enhances my sense of smell, but whenever I catch a whiff of something good, it makes me want to fly like the wind

Calling All Dogs: If you’ve got quirky habits or a funny tale (or tail) to share,
email your story to hello@punchmonthly.com for a chance
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