Q&A: Amy Guittard

Fifth-generation chocolatier Amy Guittard of the Peninsula’s famed Guittard Chocolate Company shares what surprises people about the Burlingame factory, her favorite phone app and how much chocolate she eats in a day.

What’s the best part about working in a family business?
Knowing that I’m carrying on the traditions that my great-great-grandfather started when he first founded the business in 1868. It’s both humbling and inspiring to carve a legacy built on 155 years of passion and to know that my generation has the ability to make our own imprint on the business.

How would you summarize your chocolate consumption?
I eat a lot of chocolate—milk chocolate and dark chocolate; chips and wafers. The amount depends on the day but one thing is certain, I start eating chocolate around 9AM.

Where do you go on the Peninsula to recharge your batteries?
I grew up surfing Linda Mar beach; that spot has a very special place in my heart and soul. The ocean is certainly a powerful force in calming the mind and allowing me to recharge!

What’s your favorite Guittard product and why?
Again, it depends. I’ve found myself nibbling on our 46% baking chips on the hiking trails or snacking on our organic milk chocolate baking wafers for an afternoon pick-me-up. Our single-origin milk chocolate Kokoleka Hawaiian is a favorite at any time, and you really can’t do better than a square of our 100% baking bars for that robust complexity.

What’s a song you can listen to again and again?
“Spinning Away” by Brian Eno.

What’s your favorite app on your phone?
Right now, it’s TheWonderWeeks. It gives me some clues as to what’s going on in the brain of my eight-month-old daughter.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
Slow down; enjoy the trip; celebrate the little wins; sit in silence.

What surprises people most when they visit your Burlingame factory?
The complexity of the chocolate-making process and also that you can’t come out of the factory without smelling like chocolate.

What was your first concert?
Phil Collins; Shoreline Amphitheater; 1994.

If you could pick a superpower, what would it be?
Breathing underwater.

What show do you consider binge-worthy?
Ted Lasso. I had my doubts, but I got sucked into it like most people I know. I’ve watched it twice over. It’s about trust, compassion, humility and love. And who doesn’t want to live a life with all of those things prominently displayed?

What’s something people are always surprised to learn about you?
That I don’t ever get sick of chocolate.